Friday, February 20, 2015


CAPTION CONTEST RESULTS! First, the Honorable Mentions: Jim Salmen: "Have you been injured by an ottoman? Call the Law Offices of Wombat, Wombat & Wombat. We'll get you the money that you deserve."; Stupid Guest Tricks' kcberlin: "CUT! Somebody tell security to keep the lawyer off the set."; Lara Beilby: "… Morey Amsterdam … Rose Marie … Dick Van Dyke … and introducing Brad 'Wombat' Randall as The Problematic Footstool."; and Dan Reid: "Oh, Rob! I meant to tell you I replaced the footstool with a wombat!"
And the top caption this week comes from SGT's leftcoaster, his very first win! Congratulations, leftcoaster!

Thanks to all who entered! New pic coming on Monday!

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