Friday, October 30, 2015


CAPTION CONTEST RESULTS! Sorry for the delay! First, your Honorable Mentions: Lara Beilby (who may also have set a record for number of entries in one week): "All cases and no singing makes Wombat a dull boy. All cases and no singing makes Wombat a dull boy. All cases and no singing makes Wombat a dull boy...."; Darren Grabowski: "Axe - $26.97. New Front Door - $699. Scaring kids on Halloween - Priceless!"; Larry Rice: "The office Halloween party attendees were confused when Brad came dressed as Jim Morrison." (The Doors, get it?); and Jay Dennis: "Baritone! You want more baritone?!? You can't handle the baritone!!!"
And with his first win ever is fellow church-member and Baylor Bear Sam Wilson! Congratulations and sic 'em, Sam!

Thanks to all who entered! New fake picture coming on Monday!

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