Friday, January 23, 2015


CAPTION CONTEST RESULTS! Here we go… (or, Here we Lego?) First, the Honorable Mentions: Matt McBrayer: "'Wombat, do you want to build a spaceship?' - that one Lego guy who is always suggesting they build a spaceship."; Alan AJ Irby: "Successful Lego franchises: Lego City, Lego Star Wars, Lego Superheroes, Lego Friends. Unsuccessful and heretofore unknown Lego franchises: Lego Law Firm, Lego Water Treatment Plant, Lego Tax Audit...."; G Scott Lewis: "Batman is unhappy in this photo. He knows his gadgets and fists are no match for a Lego Wombat with a law book and a cup of strong coffee."; and SGT's kcberlin: "Wombat proves to Emmet that everything is in fact NOT awesome."
And this week's winning caption comes from good friend and music minister extraordinaire John Griffin, his very first win! Congratulations, John!
Thanks to all who entered! New pic coming on Monday!

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