Friday, December 04, 2015


CAPTION CONTEST RESULTS! First, the Honorable Mentions: Lynn A Ewing: "Yeah, I'm gonna need to see the receipts for everything and any insurance policies you took out. Little Timmy says one of your wooden dump trucks hurt him and his parents are suing."; Alan AJ Irby: "After being left off the team last year, Blitzen left a different kind of gift in Santa's bag."; Dan Bell: "Look!! It's Jimmy Hoffa."; and Larry E Collins: "Just because some guy ASKED for a VM 1st place gold medal for Christmas DOESN'T mean you can give him one! He has to EARN it!"
And this week’s winner – for the seventh time this year and eighteenth overall - is Darren Grabowski! Congratulations, Darren!

Thanks to all who entered! New fake picture coming on Monday!

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