Friday, February 14, 2014

Week 6 winner!

My almost-lifelong friend Bob Littlepage snares his first win of 2014, and third win overall, with this entry! Congratulations Bob, and let’s both hope Putin never finds out about this.

Honorable Mentions: Alan AJ Irby: "And now the Olympics joins the long list of victims of Words With Friends...."; Larry E Collins: "Don't tick off Putin, don't tick off Putin, Don't tick off Putin, Don't tick off.... uhoh. DARN SNOWFLAKE!!!!"; and Larry Lozuk, with a little behind-the-scenes humor from our church: "S h a w n , P r o P r e s e n t e r i s f r e e z i n g u p a g a i n . . ."; 

Thanks to all who entered! New picture coming Monday!

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