Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 7 winner!

Week 7’s winner comes from that great group of folks over at Stupid Guest Tricks, a website celebrating all the dumb things theme park visitors do and say while their brains are also on vacation. Congratulations YANXWIN on your first win of 2014!

Honorable Mentions: Jason Stuart: "Jurassic Park 5: Rise of the Wombat!"; Alan AJ Irby: "Don't look back! Just drive! Drive!!"; G Scott Lewis: "Wombat proves once and for all that he is NOT a vampire."; Don Kistler: "Objects in mirror are much creepier than they appear."; and SGT’s Zazu: "Marsupials are social animals with few bad habits, the tendency of wombats to tailgate notwithstanding." 

Thanks to all who entered! New picture coming Monday!

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