Friday, September 11, 2015


CAPTION CONTEST RESULTS! First, the Honorable Mentions: SGT's PatchOBlack: "For the first time, the Sorting Hat was stumped. Thus, the House of Wombat was created."; Lisa Lavelle: "Another Weasley!! Oops, a lawyer? Definitely Slytherin!!"; Bryan White: "Divergent!"; Darren Grabowski: "Mr. Randall, we have told you time and time again, this school is for children! And not for those who act like them!"; and Scott Stogius Maximus Lewis: "At his age, Wombat didn't care about being assigned to a 'house.' He just wanted to keep the talking hat."
And -- with his very first win -- this week's champion is fellow church-tech-guy and Baylor Bear Larry Lozuk! Congratulations, Larry! (I think VM auditions are going to start using a sorting hat soon.)
Thanks to all who entered! New fake picture coming on Monday!

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